Who we are?

During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic The Export Support Initiative gathered support of almost 140 Slovak companies. This demand led to the establishment of the Council of Slovak Exporters (CSE) – an association of private entities which stands for its members and supports their collective legitimate interest. To this end an inclusive and integrated online platform www.exporteri.sk has been introduced.

What do we offer?

The aim is to connect exporters and facilitate dialogue with state institutions, international organizations and financial institutions, including banks. Our ambition is to create synergy which will lead to a win-win situation for all parties.

Why now?

The COVID-19 pandemic led to an economic recession and negatively influenced international trade. Slovak entrepreneurs join forces in different business associations, none of which is exclusively export oriented. Partner countries such as Czech Republic, Ireland, UK, Denmark etc. have their own export associations. This fact represents an opportunity for Slovakia.

Our competitive advantage?

Up until now, there has been no exclusively export related business association in Slovakia whatsoever. The Council of Slovak Exporters offers inclusive partnership with the Slovak Government, Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Eximbank and to business associations such as; the Klub500, APZ, AZZZ and others, private banks and international institutions where Slovakia is a member state.

What is our added value?

Communication efficiency, reflecting upon trends and continuous development of assistance to our members. We will effectively connect the private sector with Slovak diplomatic representation abroad (political-economic nexus). CSE will be member driven and demand oriented. Three pillars of interaction represent the private sector, state institutions and banks.

How much does it cost?

Taking into account the economic recession, in 2021 a 100% membership discount was applied. This is followed by a 50% discount in 2022 at a cost of 500 Euros, so that members have time to individually evaluate the relevance and added value for them. The Membership is fair and competitive in context of business associations.

How can I contribute?

Every CSE member can actively participate and form the agenda of the Council. Simultaneously, a company can present itself, as well as its business interests and success stories. Last but not least, every member can invite business partners to join in, connect, communicate and network. CSE will serve as a platform for transfer of lessons learned and individual know-how, information and business trends.

What do I gain?

Slovak exporters will be represented by a collective body and will have a chance to meet new potential business partners. Members obtain relevant information about state support and accessible financial support mechanisms. International connection via our platform plays a vital role too.  

Does it imply any obligations?

Every member will participate to a level he or she deems comfortable. Membership does not imply any specific obligations.

Who can join CSE?

CSE is open to any Slovak business which either export or have an ambition to access foreign markets. Partnership is offered to all relevant state institutions, banks, international organizations, foreign embassies and similar business associations.

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